~ Artist ~

 Thanks for visiting my blog and taking a moment to read a little bit about me.  I've been designing and creating teddy bears since 2005.  I like to call them my "little dumplings."   Imagining and creating has always been a part of my life whether it's been coloring, card making, scrap booking or quilting.  Stumbling into the world of bear making has been a fantastic journey. I have made some wonderful new, lifelong people friends through the wonderful art of teddy bears.  Not only do they inspire and motivate those creative juices but they often give me a little kick in the hiney when it's needed most.  I love that about them. :) 

I'm a country girl with a few big city girl tendencies.  I love to garden and get my hands down into that rich soil but I also like to take those same dirty hands in for a nice pampering manicure (done affectionately by my daughter, Erienne, who keeps me fashionably in style.)

I love to go barefoot and you'll rarely find me wearing shoes but have a closet full of them and am known for my shoe fetish.  I've passed that on to my children.  Even my oldest son has a collection of shoes.  :)

Favorite Quotes:

“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”  -- Audrey Hepburn

"A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous."  -- Coco Chanel

"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are."  ee cummings