Sunday, June 7, 2009

My latest quilt project....DONE!

I finished my latest quilt project yesterday while watching TV. It's so nice to just sit with a nice soft quilt draped over your lap and hand sew at your own speed. I find it very relaxing.

I had to stand on an end table and the arm of an overstuff chair on my tippy toes to get ALL of the quilt in my picture. I'm glad I didn't fall on my that would have looked funny.



lapousmor said...

This quilt looks gorgeous!
Well done!

I want to have a go some day at some patchwork with quilting...


Daphne Towle said...

I LOVE my quilt! Thank you, my friend!! xox

beniehillhome said...

hello seems like you good at what you do i like your blog